Powder metallurgy (PM) is a metal working process for forming precision metal components from metal powders. The metal powder is first pressed into product shape at room temperature. This is followed by heating (sintering) that causes the powder particles to fuse together without melting.
The parts produced by PM have adequate physical and mechanical properties while completely meeting the functional performance characteristics. The cost of producing a component of given shape and the required dimensional tolerances by PM is generally lower than the cost of casting or making it as a wrought product, because of extremely low scrap and the fewer processing steps. The cost advantage is the main reason for selecting PM as a process of production for high – volume component which needs to be produced exactly to, or close to, final dimensions. Parts can be produced which are impregnated with oil or plastic, or infiltrated with lower melting point metal. They can be electroplated, heat treated, and machined if necessary.